First aid is medical care given on the spot in the event of an injury or illness. First aid supplies can be used for small injuries as well as more critical cases requiring immediate medical attention while waiting for professional help.
Every company, regardless of size, is required by safety compliance laws to have at least one first aid kit. When an accident occurs, supplies can be used with first aid practices to improve the injured person’s condition. Basic items should also be kept on hand at home so you’ll be prepared to treat minor injuries that may affect you or your family.
First aid is most commonly used for cleaning minor cuts, scrapes, and scratches. When other issues require treatment, specialist first aid supplies may be required. You should consider using first aid treatment in the following situations:
- Someone’s suffered minor cuts, burns or scratches that require attention.
- There’s a wound (fresh or otherwise) that needs immediate attention to keep sterile.
- Serious injuries need to be stabilised while awaiting emergency medical assistance.